My daughter spends the majority of the day naked. Let me elaborate. First of all, it is the one-year-old, not the eight-year-old. You see, she actually is better at holding her pee if she doesn't wear anything at all. She also takes frequent trips to the bathroom. Many of you are thinking why would taking frequent trips to the bathroom warrant running around the house naked? Let me explain. When Sammy tells you she has to go to the bathroom, it is like a firefighter getting a call. You must stop whatever you are doing IMMEDIATELY. Then, you need to pick her up and run, because you can run faster than she can. Next, you must strip her down. This is partially Sammy's preference. While some are satisfied with merely pulling their pants down, Sammy demands that the pants come completely off. In her perfect world her shirt would also come off every time she has to go, but I have to put my foot down somewhere right? Then repeat this process 6-8 times every day. So in an effort to save time and improve actually getting it in the potty I usually just let her go in the buff after the first visit to the potty.
So yesterday evening was a day like any other day. Ben and I were getting things ready for dinner and Sammy was running around in the nude. Let me add here that calling Riley and George for dinner is one of Sammy's favorite things to do. She runs over to the staircase and cups her tiny hand by her mouth and screams at the top of her baby lungs, "Ri, Georgie, George, Ri!" Although they NEVER come when she calls, she will just continue until Ben or I go over and call them so they'll actually come. Then when she hears the thunderous sound of their feet overhead she takes off sprinting to get to the table first. Although the usually pass her about halfway there.
Back to yesterday evening.... Riley was outside playing with friends when it was time for dinner. I opened the door and stepped out. I couldn't see Riley, so I just yelled, "Riley it's time for dinner!" That is when I heard it. The high pitched, "Ri" giving it all her little lungs could muster. I looked behind me. To my horror I saw a naked one-year-old on the front porch with her tiny hand cupped by her mouth, "RI!" I do a quick scan of the neighborhood, no one appears to be out, thank goodness. Riley runs up and begins laughing at the site of her naked sister calling her for dinner. Oblivious to the situation, Sammy sees that Riley has come for dinner and turns around satisfied that her job here is done and marches her tiny heiny back in the house.
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