Monday, May 3, 2010

Reasoning with a Two-Year-Old

Recently, while driving with Sammy Rose, she declared, "I want a cheese stick!" I look to my left and right for the refrigerator. Oh, that's right, we are in THE CAR there is no refrigerator here.

I calmly begin to explain to my sweet toddler that I don't have a cheese stick and since we are in the car I can not get one. She seems to be satisfied by this response...for a second. "I want a cheese stick!"

I begin to feel a little desperate. How exactly do you reason with a two-year-old as to why you can not just pull a cheese stick out of thin air? Then I realize that you can't. There is no explaining to her. Two-year-olds are tricky. They have the ability to articulate what they want, but not the ability to understand explanations such as time, or that you are in the car and it is simply impossible.

I decide to just submit to the screams and continue on my way, defeated.

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